Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Current standings

As you probably know the Yankees clinched a playoff spot yesterday on there win. They are guaranteed a spot in the playoffs. It could be the Wild Card if they start loosing but probably not. Yesterday the Tigers got a much needed win. The Twins won too keeping the lead to 2.5 games. There schedules are about the same. I think it will come down to the 3 game series against each other on the 28th of September to the 1st of October. The Cardinals won 10-2 lowering there magic number to 2. The giants lost on a Colorado win. It is going to be very hard for the Giants to take the wild card. There only hope is if the Cardinals sweep the Rockies. The Cardinals might take the series but probably will not sweep them.
The Phillies won one game yesterday on the double header against the Marlins. There magic number has lowered and is now at 5. The Angels lost to the New York Yankees yesterday but there magic number still stands at 5. The Dodgers crushed the Nationals 14-2. There playoff magic number stands at 2 but the west magic number sits at 7. That is where I feel the playoff stands now.

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